WCN(World Culture Networks) is a cultural mediator as well as an affiliate company of Youngsan Group and is located in Vienna which is the heart of Europe.
WCN hosts international friendship concerts every year. WCN aims to contribute back to our society through culture, helps musicians to stand on stages, and plays a role of cultural diplomat for firm relationship among various nations.
WCN hosts and organizes various classical concerts and patronizesmusicians in order to develop their careers.
WCN hosts educational programs with globally distinguished artists so as to provide opportunities for young artists to learn the world of art in depth.
Since 2005, WCN has personally contributed to the society by various voluntary work for people in need. WCN hosts not only visiting concerts every month but also fund-raising concerts every December to share love and hope.
WCN organizes various events, such as choir concert tours, workshops and camps. Especially, WCN offers unique opportunities to learn from the famous Vienna Boy's Choir and its Artistic Director and President, Mr. Gerald Wirth.
WCN represents numerous artistic performances of various genresand has been hosting diplomatic activitie to understandand share each other’s culture.